A Windhorse Project  

Continued from page 3  

And so we continue firm in Love and Right Action!   Here I'm ringing some Tibetan meditation bells to help us towards our more tranquil mind following our busy days.  


As always, if you click on the icon, we can hear them!  Aren't they grand!

 Actually, I will look and see if I can find a description of a good short simple meditation and bring it to us, hopefully in a few days.  Let's rest for a bit  and learn of The Tibetan Spiritual Life !

And so, we continue our commitment in this effort of the heart as the Windhorse project goes on!  Actually, the pictures on that  website were pretty amazing!     It's  back to creating space and cleaning up the surface of the sculpture.  Let's take some time to look at that website again though.
An incredible place really .  It is hard to understand how such a place could be permitted to be  devastated in the way it has.  The pictures on the Tibetan Environmental Watch website are very tragic.   
Here's a picture of the studio with some of the tidying up work done and a little bit of the fine modelling done on the opposite side ( you remember this picture of course, but I thought I'd show it again here now that you've had a chance to approve it!)  While we are looking at carving bench you may notice some of the gouges are shorter and curved.  These are really good for working in places where there are sharp curvatures such as the area near the collarbone.  It is easier to hollow out such areas without digging in when using them. They might be helpful with the printing block carving for the prayer flags too!  

Let's begin work on the Prayer Flag!