A Land of Tibet                                              


I've done a bit more on the sculpture of Tara Drolma this week  but not much more because the clay is frozen solid!  

Here we can see the beginning of the shaping of the legs.  I've actually gotten a bit farther since this picture was taken. The forms are still simplified yet but the orientation and strength of the hips helps considerably in interpreting the motion. I still haven't begun work on the hands and wrists and now I'm glad of it! The freezing doesn't seem to cause major problems but in a peice of this size the water moves out from the center and causes a certain amount of surface cracking which isn't much trouble for the large surfaces but might in smaller structures such as the fingers. In the meanwhile there's more work to be done on the shirt designs. I haven't figured out placement of the lettering for some of the designs so I'll bring us these later.

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                                                                         * courtesy of A Luminous Diamond (Bright) Crystal Show productions. The information for
                                                                          the sketches is  courtesy of the Footprint Tibet handbook by Gyurme Dorje.